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SIM Winter League

WGC Winter Golf League

Presented by Phillips Brewing!

Each round will feature a new golf course, side games, and a chance to win prizes. Please note that you cannot play a round after is has closed, but you can play early (details in the "League Rules" section). Round dates as follows:

  • Round 1: January 4 - 17
  • Round 2: January 18 - 30
  • Round 3: January 31 - February 12
  • Round 4: February 13 - 25
  • Round 5: February 26 - March 13
  • Round 6: March 14 - 23
  • Round 7: March 24 - April 6


Net Stableford Format:

  • All rounds will consist of 9 holes with Net Stableford scoring.
  • Handicapping will be based on your Trackman handicap. This is generated by the software once you have completed a minimum of one nine-hole round using the simulator.


Booking Privileges:

    • Foursomes may choose any two-hour window within the following times:

             -Daily before 5 PM (booking must end by 5pm)

             -Tuesdays and Thursdays until 9 PM

    • Threesomes have the same booking privileges as foursomes, but should expect to have a single paired with them.

    • Twosomes may book any one hour window daily before 5 PM (booking must end by 5pm).

    • Singles: May add themselves to the weekly "Singles blocks" below, or any time slot where a threesome is already booked (but please note these are typically hard to come by)

             -Saturdays from 12 to 1 PM.

             -Mondays from 12 to 1 PM.

    • All groups may have no more than one outstanding booking at any point in time.


    League Rules:

    • NEW! Rather than having seperate divisions for men and women, divisions will be separated based on how established your TrackMan Handicap is.

    • NEW! If you know in advance you'll be unable to play your round in the pre-determined window, we have a work-around! You cannot play late, but you can play early! Because doing so would make it impossible to pair you with regular league bookings, you would need to book and pay for a one hour session unless you can find another league player who will play their round early with you, in which case it would be covered under your league fees. You also must have played the previous round before playing an early round. Singles may book a one hour session and play two rounds in that time for no additional fee.

    • Your group will get 30 minutes per player to complete 9 holes. In the event your group does not complete all 9 holes, you will simply score no stableford points on unplayed holes.



    • 2025 Season Passholders - $250 (must have paid a deposit for a Standby or Palmer Pass)

    • Public - $300

    • NEW Players (anyone that does not already have an established Trackman Handicap) are an additional $30. With this surcharge you will get a one hour solo session ($60 value) to familiarize yourself with the software, and establish a Trackman Handicap.

    • All league players are eligible for a 20% discount on additional SIM bookings.

    Pricing below includes tax.

    1 spot remaining
    Price: $315.00
    I have an established TrackMan Handicap
    I am a new player, and need to add an orientation session.